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Spiritual Disciplines

May 17, 2020 | David Bloom

Spiritual Disciplines - "Sabbath"

When God created us, He knew that we are not invincible and He decided to build "rest" into the rhythm of what it means to be human.

So much so, that he doesn't just suggest it, but He commands it. Sabbath is a gift to each one of us, to know that it's good to stop and practice deep rest in our lives. We pray that come away from this service - knowing that sabbath is a gift from God, waiting to be opened.

In this sermon we attempt to answer 3 questions...

What is sabbath?

Why sabbath?

How do we sabbath?

We pray this encourages you and challenges you to incorporate this life-giving rhythm of rest into your life and that God grants you peace for your weary hearts.

Series Information