Nov 12, 2017I Corinthians 15:1-13 - Proof for the Resurrection of JesusHistorical evidence for the proof of the resurrection of Jesus and its...
Nov 05, 2017I Corinthians 14 - A Healthy ChurchThere are lots of versions of "church" available to us, but how do you...
Oct 29, 2017I Corinthians 13 - Learning to LoveThis famous chapter in Corinthians is often reserved for applications...
Oct 08, 2017I Corinthians 12:1-12 - Spiritual GiftsThe Apostle Paul addresses the spiritual nature of believers and the...
Oct 01, 2017I Corinthians 11:17-34 - Taking the Lord's SupperThe Old Testament connections and the right practices involving the New...